Friday, October 1, 2010

Rock Band Adds Awesome R.E.M. Songs and Instantly Becomes Coolest Game Ever

At Astonished Walrus, we love Rock Band, Rock Band 2, Lego Rock Band, The Beatles Rock Band...and the upcoming Rock Band 3 (which will actually teach real guitar chords this time around!)

A focus on customization and variety sets Rock Band apart from other games involving make-believe guitars: Via the character/band creator and massive online music store, players can skew the game toward classic rock, punk, metal, country, folk, pop...the possibilities expand with each week's song additions.

The last couple of months have seen great chunks of awesome music arriving for the game, such as (nearly) every hit Creedence Clearwater Revival ever recorded. With the announcement of Tuesday's R.E.M. offering--which includes "Driver 8," "Stand," "Radio Free Europe," "Superman," "It's the End of the World as We Know It"...

Well, it just re-confirms that the folks at Harmonix (who created Guitar Hero, then improved the concept with Rock Band) genuinely love their work. And that's what elevates their games to insane levels of quality and satisfaction.

There needs to be a Rock Band Disney Edition...

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