Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Memories of Azeroth

World of Warcraft remains the best game I've ever played, online or off. Enchanting, funny, scary and awe-inspiring, it gave me six months of pure, flabbergasting enjoyment before I had my fill.

My characters, Smithereens and his pet bear Avalanche, were walking disasters that few would ever invite into a group more than once. My communication with other players usually consisted of "Oops," and "Sorry about that." Smithereens had a knack for running out of ammo at crucial moments. Avalanche liked to run through monster encampments and then return to Smithereens's side, bringing his new buddies with him.

I'll alway remember Azeroth and its incredible landscapes that resembled living, three-dimensional paintings. I spent half the game taking screenshots. And I'll always remember my pals Smithereens and Avalanche. I like to imagine they're still out there somewhere, running for their lives from angry players...

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